Who? You?

Had another weird dream today involving some of the people I met in uni. I don't know why he's in my dream, but here's a shout to you man! :D

Happy belated 25th birthday
Happy dapat kerja bagus 
Happy sebab you happy dengan life sekarang
Happy sebab you're still alive and kicking

Aku je tau aku mimpi ko. You were so sweet too. Haha. Simpan sorang-sorang, sengih pun sorang-sorang. Yippee! :D


alive and kicking... sgtlah dean-like speech. heh~ pape pn. kepada orang itu... all those wishes are for you okay? have fun!
CK said…
haha. macam tau je ko kan sape yang aku mimpi? padahal tak pun.. ngehehehhh...

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