Ranting of a teacher's daughter


Happy Malaysia Day, Malaysians! Hoping that we can maintain this amazing understanding and discard the bad things or people and live towards the greater future of this country.

Not to forget, I have a few friends who tied the knots these past days, I wish you guys all the luck in the world, cherish your new life partner, and you should consider them a part of you already. Till death do us part vow meant till death do you part. Love them then like you love them now.

Done with wishes, I'd like to express how disappointing it was seeing the exam questions of UPSR got leaked. Two papers were leaked, English and Science. The kids have to retake the English paper 20 days after they already finished answering the said paper. I have no one to blame here. Sometimes bad timing made people do bad things. For the kids, don't blame anyone. It won't solve this problem. Soldier on, kids. If you can live with bad news like this in your early life, you can handle anything in your adults. Sure, some bad news you can't compare with this one, but the most important thing is to march on and no matter how many shells or mortar fall on you, march on and you'll get the best of your journey. Sorry kids. You don't need me getting philosophical at this time of night. But someone needs to tell you that leaked exam paper is not the end of the world. I get how upset you are for not being able to have your planned holiday in the U.S. but please consider what's more important in your life. Holidays can wait. For teacher and parents, be the pillar your children needs you to be. They need you more than ever now to tell them to be brave and not to give up even if they feel like they can no longer go on, or on this case, answer on.

I was not the brightest kid when I was in primary school. We had less than 80 students for one standard. Of course I was in the first class, but it doesn't matter that much when you only have 80 students. And it was a suburb school, so everyone has nothing better to do rather than sit at home in the evening finishing their homework or doing some reading. We don't have anything exciting like you kids have now. Tv shows are not as enticing. We are not allowed to go out on our own. The most amazing place you could get total privacy is the library when our parents dropped us there and picked us up when we're done. The past is different than the present. Therefore different time poses different challenge. I was told that the leaking was done using Whatsapp. When I was taking my UPSR, we don't even have smartphones. The most fancy phone then was Nokia 3310 which was used by my mother who was a high school Geography teacher. We could only think that this problem will get worse through time. The future will pose an even harder challenge and tests than we could ever fathom. I imagined that in the future, kids would take their exams online and that is not safe either. We need to change and adjust ourselves with time. It is not impossible for this problem to happen again because people are getting a bit too desperate nowadays because they believe great results meant everything. Let me tell you, it doesn't mean everything. Sure, great UPSR result helps you get into boarding schools and if you're lucky, you'll get into the private ones or even the elite ones. One can only hope. But, day school will not stop you from being the greatest and the smartest person in the world if you will it. If you really want it, nothing will deter you from your goal.

Kids, it's not the end of the world. Yet. Instill in yourself that you are better than all those people who leaked those question papers, and those who bought those question papers. Do not give up yet. People all over the country are praying for you to get over this mishap as soon as possible. That's the best gift anyone could ever give to anyone. Believe in yourself. Believe in the the power of your will. Be great. And you'll see that your results will reflect exactly how you feel about yourself.

Remember, be great!


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