Making history


If you're alert to global news, you'd know that some parts of my country is currently almost or completely submerged underwater. According to the weather centre, this is due to heavy rain and accumulating cloud that prevents the heat from the sun to reach the surface of the earth, therefore making drainage a bit hard. At the same time, the ocean in the present moment is on current, which also prevents the excess water to flow straight into the sea. Easier to say, the ocean is full.

Thankfully, this no-drainage season will end soon. The sun will shine again. The rain will stop falling down. And the people who are affected can finally go home and do whatever they can to make their life back to what it was again.

Honestly, I'm worried. This has never happened to me before. I'm not affected since I'm on West Malaysia, but the ones on the East Malaysia, they know the real carnage of this flood. They said that it's the biggest and the worst since 1990s. That is freaky.

I really hope they are alright. I really do.



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