Immortality: yes or no

What if, one day in the future, humans who died are not literally dead. The living could still have their loved ones present in a different form, but still alive. Uploading consciousness onto a computer has been an idea thrown around quite a lot these day. We can no longer have to imagine what that looks like, because recently there's a movie made just about that. It's called Transcendence.

I used to love any movie with Johnny Depp in it. But now, in this particular movie, it's like they're force feeding us this idea that human consciousness can be uploaded to a computer and enter the internet as an ethical move. It made me despise Depp. They're using him to tell us this absurd and disgusting idea of not letting the dead stay dead. They're trying to tell us that immortality is an achievable target, leaving behind the ethical question whether we should or should not do it.

The leading lady played well as a distraught widow who just lost her husband. Let me just say this, if someone I love, passed away, I'd rather them stay that way, it doesn't matter how much I love them. Because our days on this earth are numbered, and even though it is quite unfair that that number is kept hidden from us, we should not change the number by playing god.

As someone who believes in god, I understand that there are some of you who does not. All I ask from you is to try and look at this matter in the same perspective as I am. And if you want me to change a standpoint and see your view, I'd be glad to do so.

Human should not and will not play god. We are who we are, mortal beings with limited life span. And I like it that way. I wouldn't want to be left online after I'm dead. Sure, when the others are dead, I could see them too. But isn't that what hereafter are for?

Science is a part of god's knowledge and he does know a lot more that we could ever fathom. We know what things on this world are made of, but how and why god made them, are still a question to us. Therefore, I believe some things are not meant for us to know and to barge into a realm of which we do not understand.

The idea of being an immortal is surely tempting to everyone. I'm not denying that I might be interested in that idea. But, how long do we have to live until we say, enough? Because being immortal means we would never die. And that means, a very long time would be spent without a body, flying  uncontrollably on the net, bothering the living just so we could cure a few moments of sadness.

Not worth it.

Immortal means eternity of life. I'm not ready for eternity. Can barely handle this 26 years. :/


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