
Hi hi..

So, I know I haven't been able to always post some things for you guys, but today I have a special topic that I want to share. This area is particularly new for me, and it would help if you guys could leave your opinion in the comment section. (Doesn't exactly happen all the time, I know, but no harm done in asking, right? ;] ) Do you know the feeling when you have to work with people that are related to you? (i.e. brother, cousin, uncle) Do you feel okay with it or do you feel somehow heavy in your heart or maybe a little bit hesitant about it? Because I'm kinda thrown into it, and I can't find a way to say that I'm not exactly glad to be in this arrangement.

I do have work experiences even though none of them is what I consider something I want to do long term. My past gigs involves working as a cashier at a supermarket and a temporary work as a substitute teacher. Since then, my brothers have numerous times tried and tried convincing me to find a job. I'd love to work, honestly. But then, I am considering my mother's request as she doesn't want me to work and to keep her company at home. I'm the unpaid lady-in-waiting for my mom and I doesn't bother me at all that I have no income, savings, or even new wardrobe.

A few months ago, one of my brother asked me if I could help our cousin (who lives nearby) to be a support admin in his company. He's had the company for awhile, but the paper record of this company is basically everywhere, no filings, no records, no nothing. So, logically, the think instead of going out their way and hire someone who's credible for this job, they asked me to help. I said, okay. As long as the job doesn't require me to go out of the house, I get paid monthly, and it's supposed to be a part time job. My twin did warn me before that working as a clerk means heavy work. Typing stuff, printing stuff, filing them, emailing people, due dates, and all. I thought, hey, how hard could it be?

To be honest, the work itself isn't that hard. But, what made it kinda bad is dealing with people. People that doesn't respect the fact that I know zilch about clerical work. People who won't communicate with me properly. People who don't respect my night. People who asked me to do a last minute job and not even considering that I am swamped with house chores as well. I mean, come on. Be sensible. I know I'm not good at it, but I'm working my best to get it all in order. And those kinda words from you made the situation worse.

All I need is cooperation and respect. I'm respecting your request, bowed kindly, and followed it even though I don't actually want to do it. So, cut me some slack.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. I'll tell you more later. Goodbye.


D said…

sometimes i do feel the same tho
CK said…
glad i'm not alone in this, kiddo. :)

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