Things to ponder 1

Hello everyone.

So, I'm starting a new series called Things to ponder. In this first TTP session, I'm going to discuss about the appropriate name to call your children.

Now, we've heard parents call their children a multitude of names which includes their given name. We're not discussing their names in this session because I want to save that for some other post later in time. I'm talking about that cutesy names that the parents call their children. I'm all for calling your children by girl, boy, sweetheart, munchkin, anak, budak bertuah and so forth, but one thing that I continue to disagree until today is to call your own child, kakak, abang or adik. To train your other kids to call each other by kakak, abang, or adik is a must I guess unless you want them to call each other by some other name like Along, Angah or other names as well. But for parents to call their daughter kakak, and their son, abang or adik, it's just disagreeable. Why would you want to create this confusion for them at this early age? Why couldn't you just call them properly by their birth name or just use some other adjectives to call them? I mean, come on. They are not your kakak, or your abang, or your adik.

My mom used to tell me about this, and I didn't believe it. I mean, it couldn't be happening, right? Wrong, because seeing is believing. My own relative called their children kakak and adik. What? Train them to call that among themselves. Not you to call them that.

This is just an opinion. I could be wrong, but could someone please make some well wrapped argument and tell me why this is happening. Thank you for the help.


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