Things to Ponder 2

Hello everyone. For the second Things to Ponder, I'd like to talk about this little thing called diversion. Let's get into it. For years now, we've been 'babied' by a small group of people. These people gave us news wrapped in candies, sugar, and everything sweet but underneath all that, is the rotten truth of what our world really is. We were told that we're doing great, but the truth is we are at the brink of collapse. Some of us might not notice it yet, but we are being targeted by some big powers looking to occupy us like we used to. Remember that? Millions suffering, people killed with no solid base whatsoever, women and girls raped and then killed, and many more who worked for the powers that be even if they are unwilling for this thing called staying alive. 

There are so many problems that normally seen in the crevices of life is being brought up to the surface by way of news or social media. While the more important and life changing news are left in the basement or even worse, buried so that people would be busy trying to solve these small problems and letting the bigger ones grow higher and worse and eventually be too big for us to handle. One could only think of the waste of energy spent on solving little feuds which if being used efficiently, could even solve the biggest problem. The hinder to that we're busy chasing our own dreams that we forgot we belong to the highest order of animal on this earth, Homo Sapien. We need to solve our own problems because we only have one place to live. Forget helpful aliens like in 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. There's no Keanu Reeves looking alien coming to help us. It's time we keep our shit together and throw shit that are useless to us. 

Finally, good luck to all of us because believe it or not whether Hillary or Donald wins, we're screwed. 

Good day.  


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