I really really like Lord of The Rings

So the other day, I watched all three LoTR films, starting from The Fellowship of The Ring, followed by The Two Towers, and finally Return of The King. Extended. I spent almost 10 hours watching them divided into two days so my parents don't think that I don't move at all from my chair.

I thought I already know everything that happened in it. Turns out, most of the time my eyes are glued to the screen, not even moving for anything else scared that I might lose one tiny moment of screen time.

I first saw Bilbo writing in his journal, and everything and between until the last scene at Grey Haven where Frodo said goodbye to Sam, Merry, and Pippin for he has to follow Galadriel, Bilbo, and Gandalf for the other land by ship. Oh, I cried. I cried and cried. Almost got a soggy face after all that crying.

A few scenes stuck to mind. One, when Arwen rode for Rivendell so that Frodo wouldn't die after he was stabbed by a poison spear. The chasing scene is so nerve-wrecking. I already know they got in safe, but nevertheless, my heart is racing with them. When Arwen cried and said, "No Frodo. Don't give in!" my eyes teared with her.

Two. When Eomer found Eowyn in the battlefield after she killed Witch King of Angmar. That scene is so hard to watch yet I find myself replaying 10 seconds every time so I could see him crying and running at Eowyn, in fear he had lost her. Feeling guilty after saying Eowyn understand nothing of war. That scream of fear, that feeling of lost, is exactly why I'm still a fan of Karl Urban.

If I could live in a book, I'd choose Lord of The Rings in a split second. Narnia is second best. Third is Harry Potter.


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