Get well soon, Ayah

It's been more than two weeks since Ayah last at home. He's now receiving the help he needs someplace else because where we live, such help is not readily available. My fourth brother is currently is the chosen guardian because he lives in the city, and physiotherapy center as well as medical establishment are close by. I really hope Ayah can find it within himself to recover as best as he could because he's still relatively young as he's not yet reached his 70s.

I hope anyone who reads this post or just happens to stumble upon my humble blog would pray for Ayah's speedy recovery and reigniting his motivation so he would always want to improve his situation.

On the other side of the story, I've been hermitting quite seriously since Ma and Ayah left for the city. I read more, I watch animated stories more, I get to take naps whenever I want (which is once a day, I don't go off the edge by sleeping all day just yet :D), and I cook for one mostly these days. Ati's schedule is quite full this month considering she has to inspect food stalls at bazaar. I don't mind. It's fardhu kifayah and it benefits everyone by making sure the vendors are keeping up to standard in the matter of cleanliness and proper ways of handling food.

Anyway, I know I said that I wanted to post stories I've wrote, but to be honest with you I haven't started. I hated everything I wrote, and as a result, I haven't written for quite some time. And for that I apologize. I also know that I get six net readers for every posts so no one's missing out on anything, am I right? :D

Thank you for reading guys. This is like my safe place to share stuff about my life and hey, again, thanks.


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