
 Hi everyone,

I have news! I'm very excited to inform you that I'm currently taking up studying again. It's amazing. I'm learning so much from the notes and from everyone. I'm not ready to tell you what it is yet, but I will as soon as I am at the finish line I guess. Don't want to ruin the surprise. Who am I kidding? A select few have been told by now, but I hope they'll keep mum about it. I don't want to jinx it. 😂

Also, I promise to post more now. And with pictures. Just pardon this one. I'll treat my blog as my diary. 

You wanna know what I'm feeling? Kind of overwhelmed to be honest. Lots of homework, assignments, and stuff to read yet I don't feel like doing it. But I have to. Don't be a screw up again CK. It's been awhile, but you can't back out. Got plenty of people to help once you graduate. 

Anyway, thanks guys for reading. I don't want to make a tumblr account because I don't think I'm tumblr material. I'm old school. I prefer blogs. 😊


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