Is it COVID or is it them?


It's COVID-19 season again. I was a confirmed positive case on Sunday, 13th of March 2022. Just a little background story of how I caught this nasty virus. I'm currently doing my internship at a government agency. I'm not going to name names, but one of the workers there came to work a bit sick one day around a week before I got sick. I asked this person whether he or she is okay, and the reply I get was, "I've tested myself, and it was negative. So this is probably just flu". So, fast forward to Friday. I was attending a forum with students in the auditorium. I felt funny, like my throat was sore and I kept drinking water to sooth it but it worked for just awhile and then it felt sore again. 

I thought nothing of it. For all I know, I had no close contact with anyone COVID positive. However, the next day, I felt feverish. I felt weak. I slept at odd times during the weekends. It was off. And my voice became hoarse, like a boy on puberty. It sounds ridiculous to my ears, but I was kind of enjoying it. 

Then, Sunday. I'm trying to be hopeful, like I'm going to feel better today because I've to work on Monday. Right? Wrong! That night, my twin just said, "I'm going to test you, because I'm curious," 

Well, famous last words. I got tested and the line just came up! 

And I called the worker I mentioned earlier. You know what information that was revealed to me? Their son was POSITIVE! How dare he came to work anyway knowing that. I was furious. That is not okay. And after I got positive, two of my nephews became positive, my brother, then my twin, and now my sister-in-law got positive COVID-19. 

Could you imagine my feelings? IT WAS PREVENTABLE. 

The fact that that worker did not quarantine themselves is ridiculous to me. Unbelievable. Anyway, I'm off HSO now which last between 13 to 19 March, a whole week sitting in bed. But now, I can't really be in small confined space. I hate it. 


p/s: at this point I'm already vaccinated thrice with Astra Zeneca. And I still have difficulties being in small confined space. So, yeah thanks I hate it.


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