R.I.P. Oberyn, my sweet prince.

To all GoT fans, rejoice. For it is confirmed that the beloved series will be continued for Season 5 and 6.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room. How in God's green earth did Oberyn Martell lose that fight? Oberyn was everything great, he's a prince from Dorn, a ladies man, a great fighter, and hates Lannisters and The Mountain. What's bad about him is he is dead now.

How could you leave us, Oberyn?

I hope that Twyin would see in his dead-heart that Tyrion is so much more than just an imp. He's mentally advanced far more than anybody on King's Landing except Tywin himself. He's just too valuable to be discarded now. Plus, he's a Lannister. The one who should be killed is Cersei, that disgusting brother-humping woman. I hated her with a passion.

Anyway, Arya's epic laugh at the bloody gate left me and my brother smiling all along. So sorry about the death, Hound. Ha ha..

Good night loves, xx. Good night my prince, sleep tight.


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