Poor vs Rich

Have you ever wonder what it feels like to own everything you have ever wanted? I have never experienced it personally. Small elation for achieving things I am able to do, yes. But never felt as if I owned the world. To be honest, I am quite afraid to know what it feels like. I might be arrogant to other humans and to the God if I am. That is why probably God never gave me something more than I bargained for. And yes, I do believe that he knows better. But I bet some people have felt that way. Some people whose weddings costs more than my family makes for a whole year, for those who eat expensive food at six star hotels, who slept on satin covered pillow, snoring their problems away within a room which bills could easily feed a group of school children and bought them all their academic needs for all the time they would be having at that school, and people who travels in private planes whilst others were counting whether the only remaining two dollars in their torn out wallet would be enough to fill a tank of their motorcycle.

This post is not to bash anyone's lifestyle as I am a firm believer on 'spend on what you can afford' phrase. However, this sort of lifestyle does not match the rest of the country's spending. The margin between the rich and the poor are wedged further and further. The only way to get rich fast today is to become a celebrity, to have people laugh at your jokes on telly, to have people applaud and cheer as you sing out of tune, to be shaking of whatever that is left of your hip while everyone who watches shakes their head whether in disgust, shame, or just embarrassment. A hobby is a hobby. If you can sing well when you're cooking in the kitchen does not mean you are required to shake your buns for the whole country to see. I know what they would say. 'Hey, at least I got some money out of this. What would you have?' And I'd agree with them. Yes, money is everything today. Do what you think is best. But are you really happy having to sell parts of your body every time you feel the need for money? I'd doubt it, but you'd say, 'Ahh, screw you! It's my life'. Well, go on then. Do what makes you feel whole. But don't come running to the other direction once it all turns sour.

That's the same thing with the so called aristocrats. You were born in the riches, of old money made a long time ago. Somehow today, you make not as a lot as your predecessors. Yet, the way of the money is spent does not change. A few hundred thousand on a blasted watch hurts the common people who struggles for a day's meal. Millions spent on renting jets makes the commoners want to scratch their skin, seeing if blood could be bartered for food.

I really do hope the future is not as bleak. I really do.


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