post dream pondering


hi hi :)

had a weird dream today. the part i remembered started like this. i was in a group discussion with a few friends in a room. and then, teacher or lecturer (i have no idea where i am at this point) asked us that she wants to place four of her students to have exam in the room we're in. and then i realized something, i haven't printed my exam slip! oh crap, i think. went looking around this really huge place (like a uni, but i don't see other people much or any sign that it's a uni) looking for places for me to print that slip. went to the health centre, asked if i could come in. i came in, went through this really narrow space to walk, bumped into a few things and broke a vase. god help me. and then, i went inside and saw that they have no computer. crap. and then, i went to some sort of an exhibition booth or something. touched the mousepad and realized, it was on for an exhibition about forest or something. haha. the dude next to it asked me if i wanted to know about it. i shook my head repeatedly and left to the last place. went to the admin office and went inside. saw a computer. yes! somehow i felt some familiarity to the room. went straight to the computer and went to the browser for the portal online. and then, i heard this chinese auntie behind me (which i already noticed but ignored, due to how fast i want this printing thing to be over) asked me, 'hiiii... how are you doing? are you happy?'. i didn't answer her at first and she kept on asking me. and then i heard she call my name and still asking me if i was happy while smiling and her hand was busy writing something on a piece of paper. i said, 'i am happy'. and then she said something, 'it's okay lah. what matters is you are happy. ' and smiles warmly towards me.

woke up.

you know what i think? i think, it doesn't matter how difficult life is for you, how bad people see you like they think you're lazy or something, or not doing enough, what matters is, YOUR HAPPINESS.

dear anonymous auntie, i am happy. or at least i'm telling myself i'm happy. i have what i need. what more could i ask for. right? i hope i could see you again, so that i could ask you why you asked me that question.


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