There's black mold in my study room

 Black mold is apparently dangerous if left untreated especially for people with respiratory issues. Luckily, after googling I found that it can be eradicated using Mr Muscle for Mold and Mildews. I've sprayed it once, and the mold stain has reduced significantly. I'll spray it again later, since the smell of the spray already overpowers the room. I'll keep spraying them until all the mold are gone. The spray smell also stays on my fingers. I might need to use gloves next time. Anyways, if you have black mold problem, might want to use Mr Muscle. 


p/s: This is so totally not an ad for Mr Muscle. But I appreciate if they want to sponsor me. :D 

After the mold is gone, I'll prep the wall for a new coat of paint. I'm thinking Cobalt Blue? What do you guys think?


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