Opinion about Clubhouse


new social media app has entered the stage, and it offers connecting with people in audio instead of texts or videos. It's like podcast, but on steroid. And anyone can start a room. I kinda like it, but it's not an app that I go to to fill my time or when I'm consciously choosing to go on when I'm bored. I need to make an effort to listen in as the topics are kinda interesting sometimes. I can't say for everyone, but this app is 5 out of 10 if I have to rate it. 

 However, it is good that it offers a different dynamic to social media, as before you don't always get to hear someone's voice, but in here your voice is all you have. So, better be comfortable to talk if you opt to join as one of the speakers. 

Recently, I joined Southeast Asian Group, Malaysian Group, and a few others. It's interesting to see how our world is actually so much bigger than we thought despite of it being more and more connected globally. In recognizing this, I applaud the developer of this app. Need some work, but it's kinda good. Can't wait to see what can happen in the future of Clubhouse.

If you want to add me, find @ainshariff21. See ya there! 


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